North Korea Suspends All Air, Train Links to China

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*/ /-->/ /-->/ /-->/ The Latest:As of Friday, North Korea has not reported any confirmed cases as the number of cases and deaths related to the virus continue to increase worldwide.  North Korea is also taking precautionary measures to close its border with South Korea, where there were 12 confirmed cases as of Friday.On Thursday, Pyongyang requested that Seoul close their inter-Korean liaison office in North Korea’s border town of Kaesong until the virus is “completely eased.” South Korea complied. North Korea also notified that its demand made in October for South Korea to tear down resort facilities on the North’s tourist site of Mount Kumgang should be postponed. North Korea has called closing its borders against the coronavirus a matter of “national existence.”Pyongyang is worried that its rudimentary medical care system…
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Q&A: How the Coronavirus Differs from the Flu and SARS

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*/ /-->/ /-->/ /-->/ The Latest:Q: “And about the death rate, I think I’ve seen that it’s like, you know, there’s just the raw numbers coming out of China. It’s about 2 percent, but that's people who have been in the hospital right?”PEKOSZ: “Exactly! And so the big variable that we really just can’t quantify right now is how many people are getting sick with mild symptoms that don’t have them seek out health care? And how many actually don’t really have significant symptoms at all? And both of those numbers are going to be important for two things. One, like you said, it’s going to help us understand the true sort of fatality rate associated with this virus. And the second thing is that’s going to — knowing that number is…
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